August visitor means what?

When people use the word August Visitor, what does it means pls?

The word August means dignity and high-regard. So August visitor is used to refer to the unexpected arrival of a visitor of remarkable importance and influence, such as a highly dignified or significant person.
When people use the word August Visitor, what does it means pls?
The month of August was given its name in honor of Augustus Caesar, a significant and noble figure. The word August was also given the equivalent meaning. Hence, August visitors means the visit of an important person (usually unexpected).
The word August means dignity and high-regard. So August visitor is used to refer to the unexpected arrival of a visitor of remarkable importance and influence, such as a highly dignified or significant person.
The month of August was given its name in honor of Augustus Caesar, a significant and noble figure. The word August was also given the equivalent meaning. Hence, August visitors means the visit of an important person (usually unexpected).
Wow.. interesting.